Covid-19 and young adult mental health

October 2020 – June 2021

University of Groningen, Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health & Groningen Municipality (Gemeente Groningen)

The Groningen Municipality is seeking innovative solutions to the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on young adults’ mental health. The Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health assembled us, a team of five interdisciplinary PhD students from the University of Groningen and UMC Groningen, for this challenging task! 

We are the COvid REsilience (CORE) team and work in close collaboration with Marieke Zwaving and Martine Zeevaart (Gemeente Groningen). Using design-thinking approaches, we aim to deeply understand what the young adults in our community need, and to use this knowledge to develop an innovative solution based on their feedback. Click on an image below to access our report!

Team: Lenny Marapin, Anne Kamphorst, Dener Cardoso Melo, Yingqiu Wu, & Sander van Lanen

Main Contributions:

  • Collaborating on an interdisciplinary team with colleagues with legal, medical, psychology, geography, and government backgrounds
  • Working 100% online from the start to the end of the project
  • Reviewed the literature on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents’ and young adults’ mental health
  • Recruited and interviewed young adults and local youth organizations
  • Designed the layout and wrote the copy for the update report, depicted above
  • Applied design-thinking approaches to problem solving
  • Maintaining ongoing communication with stakeholders